Friday, February 17, 2012

Link love

Some news and links to share with you all!

  • POLL! We're having a poll on your favorite TV show. (Yes, South Park is there for the boys...) Be sure to make your vote!
  • BLOGGER FRIENDS!  If anyone is interested in an ad swap, doing a guest post or a short interview, or anything you have in mind, please contact us! 
  • TUMBLR FOR ART LOVERS!  My arty friend Chloe and I are starting a tumblr called The Intellectual Meertle where we share our artwork. They often come in the form of narwhals, meerkats, turtles, and llamas. There will be more work coming up so be sure to check back once in awhile.
  • FIRST LINK LOVE! I was talking to Kristin, whom I met in Japan two summers ago, and she agreed to do a guest post for us! She has a lovely blog -- my life as a tea cup -- where she shares the joys of her daily life, amazing tea cup collection, and wonderful lists (yes she is a list maker!) So stay tuned and come back for her guest post soon! You can also find her cute blog button on our sidebar now :)
    (click here to visit Kristin's blog)


  1. I LOVE that turtle and meerkat drawing!

    1. thanks :)) there will be more meerkats coming up in the meertle tumblr!
