Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February photo a day challenge

So one of the many blogs I have been following is Fat mum slim's and she just recently started a photo project called the February photo a day challenge. Definitely go check out her blog since she is a really intriguing writer with lots of fun photos and stories. And this is such a great idea to document your days with a photo a day -- imagine how much fun it would be to look at them again in a year's time!

I'm hoping to start this project and actually be able to remember doing it everyday and posting my photos here! First off, let me bomb you with all the photos of the days that I have missed in February!

feb 1: my view today
Getting cold in Oxford. Ducks walking on the frozen river. They looked so cute!

feb 2: words
One of the things I do when I'm bored -- Chinese calligraphy. I'm totally an amateur though so don't judge please :S

feb 3: hands
The Boy's hands, holding our fave cheese (jalapeno!!) with crackers. Oh yes we snack way too often way too much.

feb 4: a stranger
Not exactly a human-stranger, but definitely a cute stranger at my house! Scorch the blue dragon is the latest addition to my animal kingdom :D

feb 5: 10am
I am totally a sleepbaby. I sleep 10 hours and more a day, or I cannot function. Envy me now, I wake up at 10am usually...

feb 6: dinner
I love cooking although I can't do anything fancy. Here's an example of a typical meal -- pan fried salmon with potatoes and broccoli. Super yummy and nutritious!

feb 7: button
For some reason, I was feeling really lazy and didn't want to move at all when I was thinking of today's theme... that explains why I have captured Paddington's bright yellow buttons, instead of real ones on my coats.

feb 8: sun
Sadly Mr Sun in Oxford has been having a vacation lately; haven't seen him for awhile now! I thought this pretty sunset would make up for it though. Double suns outside my window today!

Goodnight Hong Kong and GoodTwilight Oxford!

e. xoxo


  1. Great pics! I love how you caught up so quickly!!

  2. hi! i am also a big bang theory fan! I love ur photos :)

  3. Thank you Heidi! Please come back and check out Cora's photos too!

    Hallo MissNikki! It's always nice to get to know more BBT fans :))BAZINGAAAAAA

  4. Love your pictures! And glad to see someone else doing the February photo challenge :D
